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Anshi Patidar

IT 2026
436 Reads

🚀 Siemens Interview Experience

1. 🏢 Company & Role

  • Company: Siemens
  • Role: Intern
  • Batch/Year of Graduation: 2026
  • Branch: IT

💬 Interview Rounds

Round 1: Online Assessment

  • Type: Objective Questions
  • Description: The MCQs covered both aptitude and coding skills. The aptitude section included basic questions on time and work, speed, time and distance, analogies, and calendars. The coding MCQs required completing the given code or determining code's output. The programming languages tested were C, C++, and C#, with a strong focus on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.
  • Difficulty Level: Medium

Round 2:Technical Interview

  • Type: Technical
  • Description: This interviewer asked questions based on my resume and one DSA problem.
  • Example Questions:
  • Introduction

    • Tell me about yourself
  • Work Experience

    • Tell about your recent internship.
    • Describe the project that you are working on in detail and how is it deployed. What did you particulary worked on?
  • Software Development Life Cycle

    • Tell me the steps taken and explain the entire software development cycle using a project as an example.
    • For example there is a project of booking a movie show and if two people are trying to book the same show and same seats, what will the backend logic to make sure that the same seats are not booke for two users?
  • Testing

    • How are you testing the product that you are working on in the internship?
    • Do you have experience working in testing?
    • What is unit testing ?
  • DSA

    • First asked to find the minimum element in an array
    • Asked to find the second minimum and then asked to find the kth minimum element, I did it using PriorityQueue. Asked me to do without it
  • Your Experience: In your introduction focus on the project/internship you are most confident about and highlight that later as well. While doing the DSA question, keep talking about the approach you are using and what is your logic behind it.

Round 3 : HR Round

  • Questions:
  • What are you apart from being a PICT Student.
  • What is your family like. Family background
  • What are your plans of doing masters.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years
  • Asked about my current internship and why am i not continuing there.


Good Luck, and Remember: Stay Confident! 😎

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