Megha Dandapat
My Druva Experience 🎯
📝 Round 1: Online Assessment (70 mins)
This round consisted of:
1️⃣ 9 MCQs based on DSA, Computer Networks (CN), and Operating Systems (OS).
2️⃣ 3 Coding Questions:
- Finding the third largest string in a given array.
- Find the missing digit x from the given expression.
- Fizz Buzz.
📢 40 students were shortlisted after this test.
🔹 Round 2: Technical Round 1
1️⃣ Give your introduction.
2️⃣ Resume-based questions: (Interviewer read my entire resume and briefly asked about all the points, including my internship experience, tech stack used in projects, and extra-curriculars).
3️⃣ What is an API?
4️⃣ Different HTTP methods?
5️⃣ Difference between GET and POST?
6️⃣ Ever wondered how Netflix is developed? (Interviewer was impressed when I mentioned Microservices, so he did not ask anything further. Phew! 😅)
7️⃣ What is your favorite data structure? (I said Stack).
8️⃣ Write a code to reverse a Linked List using Stack.
9️⃣ Write the code for the Tower of Hanoi problem.
🔟 Write a code to find the middle of a Linked List.
1️⃣1️⃣ Write a code to find the factorial of a large number. (I did not know the approach, so I talked about factorial using DP. Thankfully, the interviewer moved to the next question quickly).
1️⃣2️⃣ What is Dynamic Programming?
1️⃣3️⃣ Solve the Rod Cutting Problem using DP.
1️⃣4️⃣ Difference between SQL and NoSQL?
📞 Final Question: Do you have any questions for me?
🔹 Round 3: TechnoHR Round
1️⃣ Give your Introduction.
2️⃣ Do you have any existing offers?
3️⃣ Why not GRE?
4️⃣ What are some of the challenges you faced in engineering?
5️⃣ What is Deadlock? How to avoid it?
6️⃣ What is the Critical Section?
7️⃣ What is a Semaphore?
8️⃣ What is Inter-Process Communication (IPC)?
9️⃣ What are Scheduling Algorithms?
🔟 Who schedules the scheduler in an OS? (I couldn't answer this 😅).
1️⃣1️⃣ What is ARP? Why do we need it?
1️⃣2️⃣ What is meant by a 64-bit operating system?
1️⃣3️⃣ What is Polymorphism? Give examples.
📞 Final Question: Do you have any questions for me?
🎉 Final Result: 6 students, including me, were selected at the end of the process! 🚀
📚 Resources I Followed:
📌 DSA Concepts: MyCodeSchool
📌 DSA Sheet: Striver's SDE Sheet
📌 OS Concepts: Operating System Playlist
📌 CN Concepts: Networking Interview Questions
📌 C++ & OOPS: C++ Playlist
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