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riya wani

CS 2025
249 Reads

Barclays Full Time Placement Interview Experience

Round 1 - Online Assesment

Few Technical mcqs based on CNS,OS and DBMS, 1 SQL query and 1 Medium to Hard coding question.

Round 2 - Tech Interview

It was different for everyone since it was based on panelists, My tech Round comprised of a lot of DBMS, DSA(simple questions on linkedlist and trees), real life application of OOPS and a lot of majorly on my project.

My interview was for around 1 hour 20 mins ish, My interviewer asked me first question after screening through my resume that was a real life application question based one of my project where he had told me write a code in CPP for onboarding users on a platform and storing the data in a data structure of linked list and storing the data in metadata and finally saving individual user data in a file structure, which requried me to write file handling code in CPP. This section was very time consuming and he was mostly testing if I was able to think of all edge cases in the flow and write appropriate code.

Later there were questions on DSA(trees, linkedlist), DBMS, mostly about Normalisation, Transactions and Concurrency etc etc.

This round depends a lot on panelist, my interviewer was a more keen on DBMS, so although Barclays is very focused on Java background, my interviewer didnot grill me on Java and CPP (which was in my resume) so it worked for me. Other panelists weren't same, they were asking Java and OOPS in Java releated questions a lot even if you don't have Java in your resume.

Round 3 - Tech + HR

In the last round around 23 students were selected. My Interview was fully based on my resume. I had a good discussion about my projects then web dev based questions on react typescript, node etc, a few situational questions and questions about my hackathons.

Finally All the 23 students qualified for the last round got the offers for full time.

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