Shivendra Bhonsle
My Interview Experience at eQ Technologic
Round 1: Online Coding Test
The first round was conducted on the AMCAT platform and included:
15 Aptitude Questions: Covering quantitative, logical, and verbal reasoning.
2 Coding Questions:
- An easy pattern-printing problem.
- A more challenging problem to determine the maximum calls to a function that returns permutations of an array, aiming to find a sorted permutation.
Approximately 40 candidates cleared this round.
Round 2: Technical Interview
The interview was held online via MS Teams. It began with my introduction, followed by a series of coding, DSA, OOP, DBMS, and puzzle-solving questions:
Coding Problem:
- Problem Statement: Given two variables:
- A = Number of candles
- B = Number of melted candles required to make 1 new candle
- Objective: Calculate how long the candle can burn by reusing melted candles.
- Input: A = 2, B = 2 → Output: 3
- Input: A = 10, B = 4 → Output: 13
Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA):
- Reverse a Linked List: Provided the code and explained the approach.
- Binary Search Tree (BST): Explained BST, drew a sample, and demonstrated all three traversal methods (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder) with code.
- AVL Trees: Briefly explained what an AVL tree is and its use cases.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
- Explained OOP concepts as if the interviewer had no prior knowledge.
- Covered Classes, Objects, Constructors, and the 4 Pillars of OOP (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction).
- Handled cross-questions confidently.
Database Management System (DBMS):
- Query Problem: Given a student table containing student and department data, I wrote a query to print the number of students in all departments.
- Successfully executed a similar query on a W3Schools link provided by the interviewer.
- Discussed ACID properties and explained 3NF (Third Normal Form).
- Water Jug Problem: 5L and 3L jugs to measure 4L.
- Candle Problem: Solved logically.
Round 3: Advanced Technical Interview
The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to present my projects, followed by coding and database design challenges:
Coding Problems:
- Problem 1: Solved completely.
- Problem 2: Solved using a brute-force approach but couldn’t find the optimal solution.
- Problem 3: Solved with O(n log n) complexity. The interviewer challenged me to achieve O(n) complexity, but I couldn’t do it within the given time.
Database Design:
- Designed a 3NF-compliant database architecture for student and placement company information.
- Implemented a query to fetch the names of students placed in dream companies.
Round 4: Coding Challenge and HR discussion
We were emailed a problem statement in the morning and asked to submit the solution within 1 hour using only a text editor (no IDE). The focus was on:
- Logic Development
- Code Modularity
Problem Statement:
There are two teams, “A” and “Z”, each with battleships in a section of the sea represented by a grid. The task was to:
- Display a position map of the ships.
- Show ship names in lowercase if a ship is adjacent to an opposing team’s ship.
- Ensure the solution scales to 5000 ships or more.
Example Input:
[{teamName:A,SectorX:3,SectorY:5}, {teamName:Z,SectorX:7,SectorY:1}, {teamName:Z,SectorX:4,SectorY:4}, {teamName:A,SectorX:2,SectorY:6}]
Example Output:
| | A | | | | | | 6
| | | a | | | | | 5
| | | | z | | | | 4
| | | | | | | | 3
| | | | | | | | 2
| | | | | | | Z | 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The interviewer asked about:
- Code Optimization: Discussed possible optimizations and improvements.
- HR Questions: Shared my strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, and interests.
Out of all candidates, 9 (including myself) were selected for the position! 🎉
Overall, this experience helped me enhance my problem-solving skills, gain insights into technical and HR evaluations, and boost my confidence for future interviews.
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