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CS 2026
397 Reads

🚀 Dell Technologies Internship Interview Experience

1. 🏢 Company & Role

  • Company: Dell Technologies
  • Role: Intern
  • Batch/Year of Graduation: 2026
  • Branch: Computer Science

2. 📅 Application Process

  • How did you apply? On-campus
  • Timeline:
    • Application Date: 12th of September, 2024
    • Online Assessment Date: 26th of September, 2024
    • Interview Dates: 4th of October, 2024
    • Offer Date: Results were declared on the day of the interview.

3. 💬 Interview Rounds

Round 1: Online Assessment

  • Type: Coding and MCQs

  • Description: Questions were mainly asked on DSA concepts and CS fundamentals. You weren't free to choose your own language while solving the questions - so I'd reccommend that you constantly keep in touch with multiple languages as opposed to just coding in the language that you're comfortable in.

    • Questions asked:
      1. Regular expression matching in Java
      2. Finding the maximum value in Javascript
      3. Creation of a template class in C++
  • Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium

  • Your Experience: Despite the questions being easy, you were tested on a variety of concepts and languages. One very effective way to gain proficiency in different programming languages are your lab assignments at PICT. Usually you are free to choose your own language to solve assignments (atleast in TE labs) and so please solve different assignments in different languages. This'll help save time in the Intern season as you wouldn't have to start any language from scratch. And, of course, please code your assignments on your own, without using generative AI. It genuinely helps you in the long run :)

Round 2: Technical Interview

  • Type: Technical + Managerial

  • Description: Resume-specific questions were asked. Additionally, DSA questions were also asked.

  • Your Experience: Before this round, please make sure you know every single thing on your CV. Also make sure that you can explain all of it in an easy-to-understand way.

  • Also solve a lot of DSA problems and be consistent with your practise. Also give a lot of contests and take rating very seriously (so that you have some skin in the game), to simulate the stressful interview and OA environment.

  • Also since the company wanted interns for a cloud-focused role, having some knowledge in the field of cloud computing would definitely be advantageous.

Round 3: HR Round

  • The interviewer gave me a few scenarios and asked me what I would do in those situations. Questions were such that they tested whether you could work in a team. Also there was a very interesting question about what's more important - modern software or legacy software.

4. 📊 Overall Experience & Tips

  • Overall Interview Experience: Enjoyed preparing for it and it was a wonderful experience.
  • What to prepare? DSA, OOP, DBMS, OS, Cloud computing
  • Tips for Aspirants: Remember, interviews aren't Q&A sessions, they are more like discussions. So ask a lot of questions. Ask for clarifications where necessary and if you are stuck on a question, ask the interviewer for a hint.
  • Verdict: Selected

Good Luck, and Remember: Stay Confident! 😎

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