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CS 2025
EQ Technologic
342 Reads

Hi Folks, Myself Srujan Mukund sharing my eQ Technologic SDE Interview Experience.👇

Round 1: Online Assessment (1hr)

The test consisted of MCQs related to aptitude for 15 min and 2 Coding Questions for 45 min.

Coding question 1: basic array sorting question in increasing and decreasing order on given k.
Coding question 2: sort array where even number should come after odd numbers.

The test was easy-medium level, the factor was the time and the total score so along with the coding question, mcq score was important.

23 students were shortlisted for Virtual interview rounds.

Round 2: Technical Interview I (1hr)

Interview were held virtually. The Interview Started with a quick introduction and the interviewer told me that he’ll be judging me on DSA and DBMS. He wanted me to write the code on paper and send it to him on the chat section and then we’ll have a discussion.

 Question 1: Find length of longest consecutive substring of 1s and 0s in a very very large binary string. I wrote the code using maximum count variable and len variable, explained to him the approach and discussed the edge case of substring at the end.
 Question 2: This was a DBMS question where they gave me the data and scenario and asked me to create the Sql Table and Relation. Further asked me to retrieve information from the table as he wanted. Discussion on topics like normalization, joins happened.

The round ended with some discussion on projects and asked do I have any questions for him.I asked some questions about the company and his role.

Round 3: Technical Interview II (2.5–3 hr)

This round was scheduled in the evening and was the lengthiest interview I have given. Only few interviews were this much lengthy not all 3rd rounds. The interviewer was interested in DSA concepts and asked me to share a leetcode profile and some discussion over my summer internship about the work and tasks performed there. He Started asking me questions one by one and wanted me to share screen and write code on an IDE/online compiler. I chose C++, the question level was easy medium, he was interested in how i code the solution and what approach did i used.

Questions were- first n prime numbers, binary search, merge sort algo, Linked list creation, deletion, update the node, reverse a number, decimal to binary number. Sometimes asked me both in a recursive and interactive way. After each code he used to check the edge case too. These were fundamental questions he wanted to check the approach and coding skills.

The last question was, he gave me 2 types of records consisting of some id and description and asked me could you suggest how you could store this and then we have to perform some operation. He wanted file handling but I was not comfortable with that so used normal class, objects and data structures. This question was tricky one as he was not expecting solution with any bound in time or space complexity. A lot more discussion on this question was done and at the end he told me the optimal way he thought of.

After this round 10–12 were selected for the next round

Round 4: Coding test(90 min)

In this round we got a problem statement and have to code it and send it back to them without compiling as it should be the first draft of your code. Main focus was on the Modularity and Code Optimization, and this code was reviewed by the next interviewer on this basis the last round was held.

Round 5: HR/Managerial(30 min)

In this round some discussion over the submitted code and some refinements were told by him. Interviewer was expecting out of the box thinking. And normal Hr question, strengths, improvements and hobbies and discussion about the company culture and work. He asked me about hobbies and later we went on some discussion over cricket and favorite player.


I got selected along with 7 more candidates for SDE and 8 for QA roles. Main thing which could help in the entire rounds were the base fundamentals and key concepts of what you have added to your profile. Interviewer was totally interested in coding approach and logic proposed by us.

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